Oil and Natural Gas

Advanced Methane Technology
Alternative Test Method

Alternative Test Method(s) Request Portal for the New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Oil and Natural Gas Operations

EPA’s final New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Oil and Natural Gas Operations provide owners and operators the opportunity to use advanced monitoring technologies to meet certain requirements in the final rule.

Use this site to submit Alternative Test Method (ATM) requests to the Administrator for approval under provisions outlined in 40 CFR 60.5398b(d). These provisions incorporate specific criteria for the review, evaluation, and potential use of advanced methane detection technology for periodic screening, continuous monitoring, and/or super-emitter detection and are designed to facilitate state-of-the-art detection methods for emission sources. Technology providers, and oil and natural gas owners and operators may submit requests for alternative test methods to demonstrate the performance of advanced methane detection technologies.

Before creating a new request, please review the final rule and Guideline for Alternative Test Method Requests available on our web page at https://www.epa.gov/emc/oil-and-gas-alternative-test-methods, and the instructions for applying for an account to access the Methane Alternative Test Method Application Submission Portal at https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2024-05/menthane-atm-register-with-epa.instructions.-pdf_0.pdf

Approved alternative test methods that are broadly applicable will be posted on EPA’s Air Emission Measurement Center webpage.

Learn more about EPA’s rules for oil and natural gas operations.